21st Tacoma Homicide of 2022: Reginald Taylor Sr.
A little after 2:00am on May 8, 2022, fifty-six-year-old Reginald Taylor Sr. and a friend were looking for an open afterhours club and tried to get into Diplomatz Motorcycle Club in the 5400 block of South Tacoma Way. It was a member-only night though and they were refused at the door. Reginald and his friend decided to stick around outside hoping maybe someone they knew might be able to get them in.
Shortly before 3:00am Reginald and another man got into a fight allegedly over someone using a racial slur. A friend of the man Reginald was fighting became involved, shot Reginald once in the stomach, then sped away in a car. Reginald died on the scene on the sidewalk becoming the twenty-first Tacoma homicide of 2022.
Police later arrested a 45-year-old with an extensive violent criminal history and charged him with the murder of Reginald Taylor Sr.
This was the second homicide that weekend in Tacoma. Afterhours clubs in Tacoma are not an infrequent location for homicides.
The father of six children, Reginald Taylor Sr. had a very loving family who looked up to him and enjoyed his company. His Facebook page shows many tributes and thoughts shared by friends and family. He had a great smile.
If any of his family or friends want to share thoughts and memories of him here, the comment section is reserved for just that purpose.
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