5 Question Friday With Harmonious Wilbury from Advanced Stream Internet
I'm a big believer in letting fellow Tacomans know about great companies in our city. When I moved back to the Stadium District almost two years ago I needed an Internet provider and ended up choosing Advanced Stream.
You probably don't know this but when it comes to phone and internet companies, we've never gotten along very well. Things tend to go badly as their rates increase along with decreased service and terrible customer service. So I was fully expecting an that my relationship with Advanced Stream would be one of unpleasant tolerance.
Instead what I got was an installer who came out on time, reliable internet connections for my computer, laptop, Roku, X-Box, and Kindle Fire, and customer service that makes me feel like one of my friends is running an ISP.
I know this likely sounds like a commercial. It's not. I'm simply talking about what I've experienced as a customer for Advanced Stream. Today's 5 Question Friday is with an Advanced Stream Representative calling himself Harmonious Wilbury. He's here to tell you a bit more about Advanced Stream.
1. What is Advanced Stream?
We are an ISP located in Tacoma WA. We offer Cable modem Internet Service, with speeds up to 100 Mbps, over the Click! Network. We also offer Telephone service and websites hosting, etc.
2. How is Advances Stream different from larger Internet Providers?
We are very "hands on", customer service oriented company. If you call, you will be talking to a knowledgeable person that cares about you and your concerns. We always make it right and keep our customers happy.
3. What special offers are you currently running?
We are currently running our "Welcome Home" special, which is $19.95 per month for the first 6 months - with a free install and free modem.
4. How can people sign up for Advanced Stream if they want to?
You can get the deal here: http://www.advancedstream.com/online-signup-special
5. What do you see for the future of Advanced Stream?
Thanks! Well, "the future" will soon be a thing of the past; but, our customer service culture will forever last! We will continue to focus on being happy, spreading cheer, having a sense of humor and helping people with their issues. Basically, we will keep doing what we do best and let the future take care of itself. "I never think of the future, it comes soon enough." --Albert Einstein
I'd like to thank Harmonious Wilbury for participating in 5 Question Friday. If you or someone you know would like to join me for a 5 Question Friday, let me know at jackcameronis@gmail.com
One last note, should you choose to use Advanced Stream, please mention my customer number 14024 . Advanced Stream is big on referrals. - Jack Cameron