5 Question Friday With The News Tribune's Crime Reporter Stacey Mulick
Before Tacoma Stories, this site was something called The South Tacoma Way. One of the first people to notice my site was News Tribune Crime Reporter, Stacey Mulick. Since then, I’ve started this site and Stacey has remained at the Tribune keeping an eye on the darker side of the City of Destiny. It’s safe to say that without Stacey’s diligent reporting, there’s no way I would be able to chronicle the Tacoma Homicides nearly as well. Her reports are often the starting point for those articles.
Stacey is one of the main contributors to The News Tribune’s Lights & Sirens blog. This week she was nice enough to join me for 5 Question Friday.
1. You've been the News Tribune's crime reporter for many years now. What keeps you interested in Tacoma?
I grew up in the Puget Sound region and love this area. This is home for me, for my family and for my extended family so I don’t see myself leaving. I was fortunate to get a job coming out of college that allowed me to stay in the region that I love. Plus, I continue to find stories that intrigue me.
2. The newspaper industry has gone through tremendous changes. What do you see for the future of newspapers?
I think newspapers will continue to be around and have an important place in our communities. Newspapers have had to adapt in recent years because of the changes in advertising revenue and the explosion of the Internet and social networking sites. Newspapers will continue to adapt and expand their web-based content.
3. As the crime reporter, you focus is obviously on the negative side of Tacoma. What are some positive aspects of the city that you'd like to talk about?
I love to write stories about neighborhoods that have turned themselves around after being plagued for years by crime and blight and victims that have overcome obstacles to better their lives. Over the past 13 years, I’ve seen Tacoma change a lot. The Hilltop is not what it was when I first arrived as a green college student. Downtown has changed and evolved and so have some of the neighborhoods. The amount of crime – and the type of crime - is not what it was when I first arrived. Meth manufacturing has mostly come and gone. The gangs are still here but recent crackdowns have tempered the violence.
4. What's something that most people don't know about being a reporter?
We’re human. I think people expect reporters to be perfect all the time, work 24 hours a day, seven days a week and know all the answers instantaneously, especially now with so much attention to the web. We work hard, get the information as fast as we can, ask follow up questions and put together as complete, accurate and timely stories as we can.
5. Where's your favorite place in Tacoma to relax?
I am addicted to the Puyallup Farmers’ Market.
Thanks to Stacey for participating in 5 Question Friday. If you’re looking for crime news in Tacoma, her Lights & Sirens blog is the best place to go on the web.
As always, if you have suggestions or you or someone you know wants to participate in 5 Question Friday, email me at jackcameronis@gmail.com
-Jack Cameron