5 Question Friday With TV Tacoma's Amanda Westbrooke
I’ve been fairly busy finishing up my novel and dealing with some personal issues. I honestly didn’t have time to do a 5 Question Friday this week. Luckily, Luke Byram was able to help me out. Here's Luke:
I first met Amanda when she taught drama at First Pres. She has been a long-time resident of Tacoma and an active member of Tacoma. She was the Education Director for Tacoma Little Theatre. She is co-host of TV Tacoma’s Cityline with Carol Mitchell. She attends many Tacoma events and is present at them, I’ve bumped into her at a couple events myself. Without further a due, I put 5 Questions up to her for 5 Question Friday, here are her responses.
1. When did you start at TV Tacoma?
I started 6 years ago by accident. I was the Ed. Director for Tacoma Little Theatre and was scheduled to chat about our upcoming season. That morning our host was ill and the producer Phil Chang was going to cancel the show.I distinctly remembering saying to him that he couldn't cancel...that I would never get my board president to come back with me and that this was so important. Phil calmly asked if I wanted to host the show. I thought about it and told him that I needed to go walk the hall and talk to my GOD in private for a bit and I would let him know. He said I have 5 minutes. I remembered in those 5 min that I have journaled 2 weeks earlier that I wanted to try TV and didn't know how to go about it. It was then that I knew that I had to jump and do it...that I would sprout wings. The rest as we say is history!
2. Who has been your favorite guest on Cityline?
Well...all of them...Because they are passionate about Tacoma and love to serve. I have the pleasure and privilege of interviewing angels. Most of my guests have full time careers, families in addition to the project that they are currently promoting. Every single one of them has a ministry...I love them all and feel honored to sit next to them in all their brilliance.
3. What is your favorite Tacoma event?
Well... it is a tie between Relay 4 life and Ethnic Fest. Yes I know...2 radically different events. Relay 4 life started in Tacoma and every year they surpass themselves in sponsorship, participation and courage. I leave Relay 4 life born again with a renewed sense of love, compassion and empathy for all the survivors, caregivers and those we lost to this dreaded disease.. Ethnic Fest has it all. A huge party with the best food, art ,music and people that Tacoma has to offer. It is a tapestry of diversity and harmony...it is Tacoma at its best.
4. What is your favorite place in Tacoma?
Wright Park. I fell in love with this park 15 years ago when I moved here. I would take my daughter to that park and we would spend the afternoon picnicking, reading and exploring every tree and swing. It is spectacular...I often imagine how if felt 100 years ago. I love how it has become a hub for our community. Don't even get me started on the conservatory...it is mind blowing!
5. What are your plans for the future?
I would love to travel to Lesotho South Africa and spend some time with the children there teaching creativity, journalism etc,. I would love to stretch my wings on Network news.... For the most part however I measure my future one day at a time.I believe the following poem says it all!
My Symphony "To live content with small means; To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; To be worthy , not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; To study hard, think quietly, Talk gently, Act frankly; To listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; To bear all cheerfully, Do all bravely, Await occasions, Hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. William Henry Channing (1810-1884)
You can catch CityLine at http://www.cityoftacoma.org/Page.aspx?hid=10248
I want to thank Amanda and Luke for taking the time and being part of 5 Question Friday.
As always, if you think you or someone you know wants to participate in 5 Question Friday, email me at jackcameronis@gmail.com
-Jack Cameron