Jack Cameron's Tacoma
Welcome to the first installment of Jack Cameron’s Tacoma. This will be a semi-autobiographical journey through the city I was born and raised in. As I talk to people about Tacoma I realize that we all have our own versions of the city. For some Tacoma wouldn’t be Tacoma without Bob’s Java Jive. For others, it’s eating pizza at Katie Downs, or watching the Raniers (who will forever be the Tigers to me) at Cheney Stadium. My point is, that I’d like to bring you Tacoma from my eyes and my history.
These columns will appear every Monday for the next couple months or so starting in April. Every week you’ll learn more about Tacoma and me, not always in that order. You’ll also learn where to get your hair cut, where to get a good beer, and where to go to lunch in San Francisco without leaving Tacoma, among other things.
Don’t worry. I’m still chronicling the homicides that happen in Tacoma, but I don’t think someone should have to die to get me to update this site anymore.