Tenth Tacoma Homicide of 2019: Tyree Jevon Gipson-Faison
On June 3rd at around 2:30am in the 3800 block of South Yakima, Tyree Jevon Gipson-Faison was shot. When police arrived they found a crowd standing around. Some were giving aid to Tyree. Paramedics arrived and transported him to St. Joseph's Hospital where he died about an hour later from his wounds becoming the tenth Tacoma homicide this year.
There was not much more information about this incident that I could find. No arrests have been made as far as I can tell. The homicide itself received very little coverage and all too often, I don't have much more to work with than what has been reported. It's important to note that there is no such thing as a minor homicide. Every murder shatters multiple lives that are changed forever due to the sudden loss. I want to write more but I don't have more information to share.
I also was unable to find much information about Tyree online. Quite often the only information I'm able to discover is what I can find online and so I have to rely on friends and family to fill in the picture of who he was. This is what the comments section is for.
Tyree's death is the second homicide this year in this location and the fifth homicide within a block of this location since 2014. After hours clubs in this area have been a problem for years.
Typically by June we have five homicides in the city. This year it's ten. We are losing too many Tacomans to homicidal violence.
As I mentioned, the comments section is reserved for friends and family of the victim who want to share thoughts or memories of Tyree.
- Jack Cameron